The 7 Best House Plants if You're Never Home

Because every plant parent deserves a vacation!

Succulent houseplant Crassula in a pot on a white background. View from above

Andrey Nikitin/Getty Images

Have you always wanted to be a plant parent? Dream of a home full of thriving green plants? Do you like to visit your local nursery and look at all the gorgeous pots? If you live to travel or are frequently away from home—you’ve probably thought that just isn’t in the cards for you. Or is it? Just because you’re away from home doesn’t mean you can’t grow plants. It just means you have to choose the right ones. Here are the best low-maintenance plants to consider growing if you’re never home.

Cacti and Succulents

If you’ve never grown plants before, want something that isn’t too much of a commitment, and doens’t die easily, you can’t go wrong with cacti or succulents. According to The Sill's plant expert Paris Lalicata, species of cacti and succulents have always been a popular choice for plant parents wanting easy-care, drought-resistant plants. “They have evolved to create abundant water storing tissue, which allows them to go two weeks without water, even when under full sun indoors.” 

Courtney Sixx, founder of Bouquet Box, tells me succulents thrive in medium to bright light and require very little water. “I love this because they often produce flowers as a reward. They also have many different shades of greens, reddish-orange, and shapes to choose from.”  

Snake Plants

Do you tend to go on trips for a few weeks at a time? Does your home lack abundant natural light? Then consider a snake plant. “Snake plants are prized for their easy-going nature and ability to withstand low-light conditions,” says Lalicata. “Their thick, succulent-like leaves allow them to be drought-tolerant so they can go without water for two weeks, especially if placed in lower-light conditions."

ZZ Plant

Sixx thinks the ZZ plant, aka the Zanzibar gem, is well—a gem. “It’s a dark green, tropical-looking plant that carries interest and appeal, especially if you plan on being away for an extended period of time.”

She tells me if you want to give your Zanzibar the best chance to thrive, it should be kept in a room with bright, indirect light. “You can water it every couple of weeks, allowing it to dry out in between watering. The plant grows from rhizomes, which allows them to store water, which naturally makes them drought-resistant. Think of it as a spare water source.”

Philodendrons and Pothos Plants

Do you go away on a short jaunt every now and then? Or do you plan to spend weekends away this summer? Sixx tells me philodendron or pothos plants will suit your lifestyle. “These everyday easy plants both need bright, indirect light and just one to two weeks in between watering.”

Sixx tells me she had even left one for a month while she was away, and it survived perfectly.

Monstera Plants

Monstera plants have been popular for quite a while now. With their gorgeous green leaves, it’s easy to understand why. They’re also an ideal choice for anyone who likes to occasionally go away for a week, explains Sixx. “A monstera plant requires that same bright, indirect light, but needs about seven to ten days in between watering.”

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