Campari Soda With Orange

Balance out Campari's bitter notes with a sweet citrus twist.

Hands On Time:
5 mins
Total Time:
5 mins
1 cocktail

Many cocktails are so boozy that by the time dinner rolls around, you're toast. Instead, this low-ABV sparkler is not only light on alcohol content, the herbs in Campari are said to prepare the stomach for eating. (Read: prepping for big holiday meals.) Orange juice balances out the bitter notes, while the strip of orange zest mirrors it, but if that's too much, you can opt for a sweeter orange slice instead. This recipe calls for a generous pour of soda water, so if you like the taste of Campari, start with a ½ cup and adjust to taste from there.


  • ¼ cup (2 ounces) Campari

  • ¾ cup club soda, chilled

  • 2 teaspoons fresh orange juice

  • 1 strip orange zest


  1. Pour Campari into a wine glass. Fill glass with ice; top with club soda and orange juice. Garnish with orange zest.

    Greg DuPree

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