Is It Better to Drink Coffee Before or After Your Workout?

Let’s answer the pressing question you wonder while you're on the elliptical.

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Many of us cannot leave the house without a cup (or two) of coffee, which is all fun and games until we start wondering, Should I be sipping this stuff before I work out? Indeed, if you've ever questioned whether a strenuous spin class or should-be-zen yoga session could be tampered with by starting with a piping hot cup of acidic coffee, you're not alone.

According to a registered dietitian, drinking coffee before you work out in the morning is totally fine. In fact, it actually offers plenty of potential benefits to your fitness routine. (Sigh of relief.) That said, there are a few exceptions, too. Here's what this expert has to say about pairing caffeine and exercise.

Brittany Michels, MS, RD is a nutrition expert for The Vitamin Shoppe.

Before vs. After

It's best to drink coffee before your workout, so long as your workout isn't too late in the day. Caffeine consumption close to bedtime can disrupt our natural sleep cycle," says Brittany Michels, MS, RD. "If you need a pre-workout boost at night, consider a non-caffeinated energy source, such as maca or beetroot."

Drinking coffee post-workout may help with your workout recovery. However, If you drink coffee post-workout to get through the day, be sure to assess your sleep and stress levels and your diet regimen. Some who rely on caffeine may need to address the root cause of their poor energy levels.

Recommended Pre-Workout Caffeine Dosage

According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), caffeine is beneficial for enhanced workout performance in doses of 0.9 to 2.7 mg per pound of body weight. Some notice benefits at 50 to 100 milligrams pre-workout, while others observe improvements in the 300 to 400 milligrams range.

Not everyone benefits from coffee before a workout. "There isn't a one-size-fits-all recommendation when it comes to coffee and caffeine consumption," says Michels. Also, if your workout objective is to feel calmer, it's probably best to skip the caffeine entirely.

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Benefits of Drinking Coffee Before Exercise

We know that coffee is good for us (in moderation. It's been shown to increase your energy levels and metabolic rate, lower your risk of depression, and decrease your chances of getting type 2 diabetes. But did you know that a cup of joe before you hit the gym just might give you a more productive workout?

"Consuming pre-workout caffeine may rev up your metabolism, suppress the effect of perceived exertion, improve microcirculation, and enhance your athletic performance," says Michels. She adds that coffee is one of many caffeinated beverages that may offer these benefits. So, if you aren't a java drinker but still want the benefits that caffeine has to offer, you have other options.

Some other research suggests that pre-workout caffeine may increase caloric burn for several hours post-exercise. "For those looking for a metabolic boost, caffeine from coffee can be a smart option," says Michels.

The benefits of drinking coffee pre-workout may include:

  • Enhanced metabolism
  • Increased endurance and strength
  • Increased athletic performance
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Higher focus
  • Improved microcirculation
  • Increased calorie burn hours after your workout

Side Effects and Precautions

Michels encourages anyone interested in pairing coffee with exercise to find the right amount of caffeine that works for you, as the side effects vary based on caffeine dosages, duration, and type of activity. "Athletes need to determine dosage tolerance and benefits on an individual basis," she says.

According to Michels, anyone with a caffeine sensitivity or queasy stomach should start with a smaller dose of caffeinated coffee and gradually increase it. "Signs that you've exceeded what works for your body are an upset stomach, nausea, increased heartbeat, or heart palpitations."

According to research, the sweet spot for caffeine consumption is about 40 to 60 minutes prior to exercise. This allows time for your body to absorb the coffee, which can help reduce stomach issues during your workout sesh.

Avoid specialty coffees with lots of milk and sugary syrups for pre-workout caffeine. On top of being high in calories, these types of coffee are hard to digest and may not sit well during your entire workout.

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