45 Fun Indoor Activities and Things to Do on a Hot Day

Stay cool in a heat wave with these indoor activities, fun things to do at home, crafts, and more.

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Indoor Activities During a Heatwave
Photo: Yeji Kim

Consider summer—and spring or fall in certain climates—heat wave season. Typically, steamy temps are synonymous with summer fun. But when a big heat wave hits, the last thing you want to do is spend any time outside, not only because it's uncomfortable but also because it can be dangerous.

Unfortunately, there's only so much binge-worthy Netflix you can watch before you'll need to figure out new fun things to do at home. If you have kids, they may not understand why they can't just run through the sprinklers for hours on end. So, just as you may have a grab bag of things to do on a rainy day, you'll want an arsenal of indoor hot day activities for when the mercury rises to an intolerable level.

Fun Hot Summer Day Activities for Kids (and Kids at Heart)

Yeji Kim

1. Create an Indoor Obstacle Course

Are the kids desperate to let out some energy? Give them an indoor agility challenge to complete. You can set up couch cushions as barriers to jump over, hang swinging keys from the ceiling to dodge, and tape yarn back and forth across hallways to create a laser maze. You can even ask them to invent their very own courses to keep both their bodies and their minds busy.

2. Do an Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Take advantage of your home’s interior nooks and crannies with a fun indoor scavenger hunt. Create a list of things to find, making the clues as tricky or straightforward as you like (and your kids’ ages allow). Either hide certain objects and let the gang hunt, or send everyone on a search for very specific items or photos. A quick internet search for “indoor scavenger hunt clues” will give you fun templates and inspiration to steal from.

3. Hang in the Basement

Don’t forget that heat rises, so the top floors of your house will likely be the toastiest on scorching summer days. If you have a liveable basement, get your crew down there for a dance party, movie marathon, jigsaw puzzles, storytime, or family yoga. 

4. Play a Murder Mystery/Detective Game

Depending on your kid’ ages, a mystery game is always a fun group activity that involves make-believe, critical thinking skills, lots of laughs, and, of course, a healthy dose of mystery. Stock up on a good mystery game set you can take out the second you feel an “I’m bored” complaint coming on.

Yeji Kim

5. Explore Water Beads

If you haven't seen them, water beads are these squishy plastic orbs that are great for sensory play with kids (and a pretty zen activity for adults as well). They come as tiny, hard beads, but leave them in a bowl of water, and they slowly grow (over several hours) into soft, round balls. The longer they're in the water, the bigger and bouncier they get.

You can leave them in a clear storage container and have your kids explore them with their hands, or they can get into imaginative play with their toys by diving in. If you're a highly ambitious parent and the container is large enough, your kids can put on their swimsuits and get right into a cool water bead bath. (You might want to put a few towels around first to catch the overflow.)

6. Craft Ice Cream Sandwiches or Sundaes

Hot days = ice cream days. Make your own ice cream, whip up towering ice cream sundaes, or assemble your ideal ice cream sandwich combos.

7. Make No-Bake Treats

Want to bake something without turning on the oven? We don’t blame you. No-bake cookies and desserts (or healthy snacks!) are a heat wave dream. One of our favorite frozen treat heroes? Do something with all those frozen bananas in your freezer. Frozen banana ice cream and frozen chocolate covered bananas should do the trick. You could also make homemade Dole Whip (leave the liquor out of this recipe), if you’re with the kids) or flavorful ice pops to cool you down.

8. Try Indoor Gardening

Bring the great outdoors inside on sweltering days. Plant some herbs or other fun indoor greenery with the fam—try one of these varieties that doesn’t require any soil.

9. Put on a Play

Whether you join them or not, the kids can create and star in their own production of whatever they want! The planning, the rehearsing, the costumes, the grand performance—before you know it, time will have flown (and heat wave boredom with it).

Yeji Kim

10. Go Ice Skating

The idea of playing a winter sport when it's scorching outside seems a little odd, but a frigid indoor activity is a perfect way to beat the summer heat. Search your area for an indoor ice skating rink, pack some layers, and head out for a little icy fun. Maybe follow that up with a little Christmas in July celebration, if you're feeling extra-festive.

11. Make up a Dance Routine

Learn, practice, and perfect some choreography—original, from your favorite movie/musical, or from another website or social media platform (TikTok dances should keep you all occupied for hours).

12. Or Just Have a Freeform Dance Party

Let it all go and dance it out. Turn up the music and get moving for as long as you want. Free exercise, a boost of endorphins, and a lot of laughs won’t be far behind. 

13. Try At-Home Origami (No Special Kit Required)

Want to try your hand at some basic origami? Now’s the time. If you have an origami kit, there’s no time like the present to get it out and get sculpting. You can also use craft drawer essentials you likely have already. You’ll need some paper (the more colorful, the better!), a ruler, sharp scissors, a pencil, a dull edge like a letter opener for scoring (important for making crisp edges), some glue, and a little room to spread out. Then, look to YouTube or other online tutorials for a little help learning how to fold perfect paper sculptures.

14. Make Homemade Ice Tea or Lemonade

The dog days of summer are when iced tea, lemonade, and Arnold Palmers (iced tea and lemonade together—divine) really shine. If you’ve never made your own, there’s nothing better.

Yeji Kim

15. Make Movies

If your kids secretly want to be TikTok stars, this is a great way to get them started on their road to internet stardom. They can write scripts or improvise, play pranks, make up recipes, or create a cool choreo—whatever interests them. Then, you can use an app like VivaVideo or iMovie to cut and paste their video into a viral-worthy clip.

16. Learn to French Braid Your Hair (or Someone Else’s)

Become a pro at French braiding hair, or learn how to do another hairstyle you’ve always wanted to master. Practice on your own hair, each other’s hair, or both.

17. Play Pop Pass

If you need a fun, kid-friendly activity, give the Pop Pass game a try. Easy to order online and even easier to learn and play, this fun indoor/outdoor game will keep the gang busy and happy for hours on end.

18. Play Indoor Pickleball 

Bring the pickleball fad home—literally—with an indoor/outdoor kids’ pickleball set. Clear a play area and let the kids rally back and forth for hours with a soft rubber silicone ball (no noise or scuffs!). When the weather is more agreeable, simply set it up outside.

Yeji Kim

19. Set Up an Airfort

There's nothing little kids love more than to hole up in a cozy fort. Of course, in the raging heat, they'll want something less stifling. Try an AirFort! Made out of breathable polyester fabric, you just attach the material to a box fan, and it inflates into a spacious tent that hovers above the floor. It's super cool for an indoor camp-out or just some imaginative fort play.

20. Do Karaoke 

No karaoke machine? No problem. Pull up YouTube or do a quick internet search for the karaoke versions of your favorite jams for an afternoon of song and dance.

21. Play Hide and Seek or Sardines

This should need no explanation! Hide and seek is always a crowd-pleaser—but if your gang feels tired of this indoor game, switch things up: Play Sardines! Sardines is the same concept as hide and seek, but instead of everyone hiding while one person seeks, one person hides, everyone seeks, breaking out on their own to find the hidden person. As soon as any seeker finds the hider, they join them and hide together. The last seeker to find all the hiders is It next round.

22. Have an Old-Fashioned Tea Party

Even when it’s too hot for a steaming cup of tea, you can still pretend. Gather around the table (stuffed animal guests, invited), pour yourselves a cup of whatever you’re drinking (think: juice, water, or ice tea), and enjoy with proper manners and pinkies out.

Yeji Kim

23. Have a Snowball Fight

You don't need actual snow to create an epic snowball showdown. Instead, purchase some plush faux snowballs that re soft enough to throw around the house. It's a great way to stay active indoors without breaking a sweat or your ceramic vases. When it's this extremely hot outside, you may find yourself actually missing winter.

24. Have a Board Game Marathon or Tournament

Hit the classics—or your family’s favorites—in a round robin of age-appropriate board games. The winner of the most games gets a treat! Or choose a game that can last for hours (hello, Risk and Monopoly).

25. Write Some Letters

Break out the fun paper, stickers, markers, and gel pens and spend an afternoon writing letters to elders in isolation, active military members, local hospital patients, or your own loved ones who would love to hear from you.

Fun Things to Do When It's Hot Outside for Adults

Yeji Kim

1. Give Yourself a Facial

Steamy heat-wave weather opens up pores and makes for more sweat, which can often create more skin problems like acne. Since you're staying in, take the opportunity to give yourself the pampering treatment with a purifying clay mask. While it sets, you can stay refreshed by draping a cool towel over your face—rest your head on a cooling pillow—or chill your feet out in a nice, cool foot bath for a little extra pampering.

2. Crush a Jigsaw Puzzle

Put on a podcast, audio book, or some background TV—or just focus in silence—while getting down to business with that thousand-piece puzzle you’ve had under the coffee table for years. Whether you let your partner, friends, or a roommate help out is totally up to you.

3. Read a Gripping Thriller

Or read whatever genre you’re in the mood for that will pass the time! But when you’re hot, bored, and need something chilling to pass the time, you can’t go wrong with a suspenseful, page-turning thriller. Want something less goose-bump-inducing? Try a feel-good romance novel (if you can handle a little more heat).

4. FaceTime a Long-Distance Friend

You probably didn’t need us to make this suggestion, but here it is anyway. Stuck at home during a heatwave, living alone, and watching your budget? You don’t need an expensive group getaway or an impossible dinner reservation to connect with your favorite people. FaceTime someone you’ve been meaning to catch up with, set up a group Zoom with your besties flung far and wide, or pick up the phone (you know, the old-fashioned way). The best part: You can plop yourself in front of that tower fan or the AC unit for the entire conversation.

5. Map Out Your Next Dream Trip

No need to be productive in any real sense of the word here. Leave booking, budgeting, and logistics for later, and instead spend this hot-as-heck day researching and dreaming up your next travel excursion.

Indoor Activities During a Heatwave
Yeji Kim

6. Make Boozy Watermelon Slushies

Even though your living room couch may not be anywhere near as luxe as a chaise lounge, you can feign like you're on a summer vacay by whipping up your own hot-weather cocktail. Simply blend fresh, juicy watermelon, ice, lime juice, orange juice, and some simple syrup to create a watermelon slushie. Serve it sans alcohol to the kids, and add a little vodka or rum to your glass.

7. Or Whip Up Boozy Ice Pops

Now we’re talkin’. Skip the alcohol if you want—it’s certainly not necessary for perfect homemade popsicles. But we like to think a heat wave is just an invitation to start happy hour a little earlier, thanks to some spiked, gourmet ice pops. A few favorites: tiramisu ice pops, amaretto sour popsicle, and watermelon margarita pops.

8. Try a New Recipe

Take this opportunity to cook or bake a dish or recipe you’ve always wanted to try. Find inspiration from these easy, warm-weather recipes, no-cook recipes, or healthy summer dinner ideas. Or grab your favorite cookbook that’s been waiting to be opened and used for months.

9. Tackle a DIY Project

Whether it’s painting your bar cart, hanging a gallery wall, or finally building that bookshelf that’s still in the box, there’s no better way to spend a hot, lazy day inside than working on a home project that’s burning a hole in your to-do list.

Yeji Kim

10. Play Casino Games

Instead of whipping out the same-old, same-old board games, take a virtual trip to Vegas, baby. With a deck of cards and some chips, you can play blackjack or poker, or get out the dice for a little craps. You can gamble with real money if you're playing with friends, use candy with kids, or just play for fun and pretend there are real stakes.

11. Take a Cool Bath

A luxurious soak in the tub doesn’t need to be steaming hot. Fill your bathtub with lukewarm or cool water and chill out in the water with a good book, music, or some total peace and quiet. 

12. Organize Your Closet 

Make this as fun as possible so it doesn’t feel like a chore. Put on a distracting and engrossing audio book, podcast, or playlist and get down to decluttering, color-coordinating, and rearranging your closet that’s bursting at the seams. Enlist your partner for company (and an extra set of hands) to make the time pass—and feel much more enjoyable.

13. Make Infused or Flavored Ice Cubes

It’s way easier than you might think to make ice cubes studded with fruit slices, herbs, or edible flower petals. Put your add-ins in normal, everyday ice cube trays, fill each one with the liquid of your choice—plain water, juice, chilled tea, etc.—then pop them in the freezer until they’re solid and stunning! These are perfect for craft cocktails, upgrading boring H2O, getting the kids to hydrate, and impressing company the next time you host.

14. DIY Indoor Bowling

You don’t need a designated bowling set for this indoor activity. Set up empty water bottles, cleaned-out soda cans, or paper towel rolls like pins at the end of a long, flat hallway or room. Roll a small ball and try to knock over as many “pins” as possible. This is great to play with kids, too!

15. Watch a Movie Series From Start to Finish

Every Lord of the Rings movie from start to finish? Or maybe it's time to revisit Indiana Jones on this summer day? Challenge accepted. If you can't get to the air-conditioned haven of your local movie theater, close the blinds (this helps cool the room down!), grab an ice-cold drink and some popcorn, and press play on your favorite flicks or a classic you've never seen before.

16. Make a Playlist

There's nothing more frustrating than being in your car on a commute to work or going to an appointment and having to channel surf every time a song ends. Or putting your music on shuffle, then constantly skipping because you're not in the mood for any of the songs. A hot day is the perfect time to sit down and put together some playlists so you don't have to search for music when you need it!

17. Find a New Podcast (or Catch Up on One)

It might seem like there's never enough time to binge your favorite podcast or discover new ones (there are so many great ones out there!). A day when you're stuck inside, dying of boredom, is the ideal time to catch up on old podcast episodes or finally listen to the podcast everyone has been raving about. If you need to do something with your hands while listening, adult coloring books are a soothing way to pass the time while catching up on your listening.

18. Arrange Some Flowers

Fresh flowers brighten up any home, and a heat wave indoor day is a great time to learn how to arrange them yourself. You can find tons of flower arrangement videos online, or just wing it if you're feeling creative! Most grocery stores have relatively inexpensive bouquets of blooms, or you can pick some from your own garden if you have them.

19. Craft a Vision Board

Vision boards are a delightful way to pass the time on a hot day, and they help you manifest your goals (or so they say). Grab some magazines, a glue stick, and some poster board, and start putting together your dream life. You can also use a bulletin board and thumbtacks so you can easily switch out pieces of it.

20. Write

Whether you have a story that's been dying to leap out of your brain onto the page or you've been meaning to commit to a journaling practice, now is the time! Journaling comes with a multitude of health benefits, and sometimes, just free writing can feel like a release. Need help figuring out what to write about? Search online for writing prompts—there are thousands out there—and you're sure to find something that interests you.

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