Here's How to Have the Most Organized 2024, Starting Now

A better 2024 begins in 2023.


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2024 is just weeks away. Will it finally be the year you have an organized life and home? If you want it to be, it’s best to start prepping as soon as you can. There's no real reason you should wait to kick off your resolutions, so we talked to professional organizers about how to get a head start on next year starting now.

Start Your Tax Prep

Tax season will be here before you know it. Lindsey Mahanna, professional organizer and founder of Clutter to Clarity Home Organizing LLC recommends sorting through your paper files by the end of the year. “If you are off work for an extended time around the holidays and have a free moment, go through your long-term files and clean them up a bit in preparation for tax season,” she says. “Even if you only get through recycling or shredding what you don't need, you've made the project easier when you can get to it later.”

Don’t forget to organize paper receipts and invoices. Even if you just put them in a folder, you’ll still be a step ahead.  

Work on Minimizing Digital Clutter

While we all know the physical clutter in our homes can hold us back—if unchecked, digital clutter can also have the same effect while taking up valuable space on our devices. “If all the extra photo opportunities from the holidays have you maxing out your phone storage, you’re not alone! Go through your phone and delete any outtakes or old photos,” says Rose Pulver, co-founder of The Thoughtful Home. “Go through emails and text messages to make sure you only have essential items filling up your inbox. Doing a digital declutter before the year ends will give you more white space to focus on making the most of the year ahead.”

Don’t have a ton of extra time to sort through all your photos and videos? Set a timer and take five minutes to unsubscribe to all of those email lists that clog up your inbox. If you don't have time to sort through everything, look into cloud storage and at least get some of those files off your devices.

Organize and Purge Key Areas of the Home

While you might not have time in December to do a whole-house declutter, Pulver suggests at least tackling “heart-of-the-home” zones including the kitchen, pantry, and mudroom (if you have one). “These spaces can become a drop zone for any items coming in or leaving the house, like school papers, books, sports equipment, holiday gifts, packages and returns.”

Declutter Your Home Decor

Whether it is things you’ve been keeping out all year long, like the candle that’s almost completely burned out, or that sparse-looking tinsel you'll never put up on the mantle, Erica Spruille, professional organizer and founder of Just BE, LLC advises using this time to declutter your decor. “Focus on broken items, and old decorations that were passed down but just don't serve you anymore.”

Then say goodbye to that old Live, Laugh, Love sign. “Steer away from buying trendy decor, as they may only get used once, creating clutter,” explains the organizer. 

Create a System for Regular Decluttering

Spurille recommends taking the time to implement a system for next year and schedule it on the calendar. This will allow you to go into 2024 with a plan to keep things tidy all year round. “Include dates for quarterly decluttering, and seasonal clothing swap-around, on your calendar to hold yourself accountable throughout the year.” 

Make a List of Your 2024 Goals

We all have things we want to do in the coming year, so why not get prepared now? “Removing some of the clutter from your mind and getting it down on paper will help you get clear on what you want to see happen in the new year,” says Pulver. “Whether that’s a financial goal, a home organizing project, or simply wanting to spend more time with family, knowing what you want to achieve will give you the opportunity to create an action plan.”

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