Is Sourdough Bread Healthy? All the Benefits of This Tasty Fermented Bread

Sourdough bread is both nutritious and extremely delicious—here's every reason to love this healthy bread.

Sourdough bread baking is a popular and wholesome challenge that's a ton of fun and yields extra-delicious results. People love sourdough bread not only for its uniquely satisfying taste and texture, but also for its (often) healthier nutritional profile compared to other types of bread. But is sourdough bread healthy, really? Or at least, is it healthier than other types of bread and baked goods?

Interestingly enough, sourdough bread does boast quite a few health benefits when compared to many conventional bread options found at the grocery store, especially from a digestive health standpoint. After all, sourdough bread is anti-inflammatory, which has several health benefits. So whether you bake or buy your sourdough loaves, read on to learn what sets this fermented bread apart, why it’s become so popular, and the health benefits it offers.


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What Is Sourdough Bread?

First things first, what exactly is sourdough bread? Like most other breads you’ll find at the grocery store, sourdough is a leavened bread, or one that contains rising agents. But instead of relying on those convenient envelopes of active dry baker’s yeast, sourdough is leavened by something called a starter. Sourdough starter is a living culture of microbes like lactic acid bacteria and “wild” yeast that are cultivated from the flour it’s made with and the air it’s exposed to. These microbes living in a symbiotic relationship thrive on a steady supply of water and flour, and the mixture looks and feels like a thick pancake batter. (Many actually consider sourdough starter to be a diverse microbiome itself, not unlike our gut microbiome.)

When mixed with flour, water, and salt to make bread, sourdough starter ferments the flour in the dough to produce natural leavening. This fermentation also helps to break down some of the proteins found in flour, including gluten (yes, gluten is a protein!).

This method of bread baking has stood the test of time, dating back to around 1500 BC in ancient Egypt. And while this type of bread resembles other loaves you’d see at the bakery or the supermarket shelf, it offers a signature tangy flavor many find to be simply irresistible. This taste is actually due to the acetic acid produced during fermentation.

Is Sourdough Bread Healthy?

After taking just a quick glance at sourdough’s nutrition facts panel, it’s hard to deny its healthy nutrients. In this bread option you’ll find some protein and fiber, as well as key vitamins and minerals like iron, selenium, manganese, and copper. Plus, in whole wheat sourdough bread, there are notable amounts of potassium, zinc, and phosphorus. Here's a more specific look at what's inside one large slice of sourdough bread.

  • Water - 18.1 grams
  • Calories - 281 kcal
  • Protein - 11.4 grams
  • Fat - 1.88 grams
  • Carbohydrates - 54.5 grams
  • Fiber - 2.73 grams
  • Sugars - 3.16 grams
  • Calcium - 41.4 milligrams
  • Iron - 3.41 milligrams
  • Magnesium - 27.3 milligrams
  • Phosphorus - 111 milligrams
  • Potassium - 123 milligrams
  • Sodium - 634 milligrams
  • Zinc - 0.924 milligrams
  • Copper - 0.132 milligrams
  • Manganese - 0.504 milligrams
  • Vitamins B, C, E, and K

Is Sourdough Bread Healthier Than Regular Bread?

Sourdough bread has many benefits over regular bread that may make it healthier in some ways. For one, it's full of fiber. This can help you feel fuller longer, improve digestion, and may aid weight loss. But the biggest benefit of sourdough bread is probably the lactic acid bacteria, which lower the bread’s pH. It works by deactivating phytic acid, (or phytate) which is an "anti-nutrient" that binds to minerals and makes it more difficult for your body to absorb them. Sourdough bread generally has less phytate than regular bread, which means that your body make get more nutrients out of it.

Potential Health Benefits of Sourdough Bread

In case you needed more reasons to eat sourdough bread beyond it being delicious, here are some of the top health benefits to it.

Aids Gut Health

The fermentation required to make sourdough bread starts to break down some of the proteins in wheat flour, including gluten. This yields an end result that is often easier to digest for those sensitive to gluten and other wheat-based products. 

Important to note: This bread is fermented, but the microbes present in the bread dough are killed off when baked, precluding it from being considered a probiotic food. That said, many sourdough breads, especially if they’re whole grain, can be considered prebiotic foods—they offer soluble fiber that helps feed healthy bacteria in the gut microbiome. The microbiome is a community of over a trillion microorganisms living in our large intensive and its health is intimately tied to our overall digestive health and regularity.

Prevents Diseases

Speaking of the gut microbiome, our immune health also benefits from the prebiotic support sourdough offers this important microscopic community. This is because the microbiome helps to regulate inflammation throughout the body as well as modulate the mucosal immune system. The biome has even been tied to risk reduction for a host of chronic illnesses. Interestingly, a recent study found that older adults living in the Mediterranean who regularly consumed whole-grain sourdough bread had a lower risk for chronic illnesses including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The immune-boosting mineral zinc found in whole wheat sourdough may also amplify this benefit.

Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

This zesty bread also benefits metabolic health from several angles. Firstly, sourdough has a lower glycemic index when compared to other non-fermented breads. It will result in a lower and slower blood sugar spike compared to other breads, especially if it's whole-grain sourdough bread. This means better blood sugar control and longer-lasting energy for those with metabolic concerns like type 2 diabetes—as well as those without diagnoses (minimizing frequent steep blood sugar spikes and dips is beneficial for everyone). 

Improves Heart Health

Sourdough bread’s fiber, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium content all support a heart-healthy diet. The soluble fiber found in sourdough bread binds to dietary cholesterol in the small intestine, helping pass this fat through the system instead of absorbing it. This helps prevent atherosclerosis, or plaque build-up on the veins and arteries, linked with long-term high cholesterol levels that’s often central to heart disease. Also, potassium, phosphorus, and sodium are major electrolytes in the body that help to maintain healthy heart rhythms while potassium is linked to better blood pressure regulation, both core tenants of heart health.

Improves Bodily Functioning

In terms of nutrient availability and absorption, sourdough also has a leg up. Fermentation helps to increase the bioavailability of B vitamins in bread products and can even increase the amount of vitamin B12 present in the final product. This process also helps to break down anti-nutrients like phytic acid, which we know can inhibit the absorption of crucial minerals like iron. In fact, some evidence points to sourdough fermentation being able to reduce the phytic acid content of bread by over 70 percent.

Tips for Buying the Healthiest Sourdough Bread

To get the most nutritional bang for your buck, here are some strategies for choosing a healthier sourdough bread. 

Whole grain and whole wheat sourdoughs offer more healthy nutrients.

If possible, opt for whole wheat or whole grain sourdough, as these will have much higher levels of fiber and micronutrients than their white counterparts. Tip: Look for the word “whole” on the food label—this ensures your bread of choice is 100-percent whole grain or whole wheat.

Give sprouted sourdough a try (for even more nutrients).

It may be harder to find near you, but sprouted sourdough will offer even more nutrition. Sprouting, or germination, increases the bioavailability (aka the absorbable amount) of many micronutrients, reduces glycemic index, lightens gluten load, and breaks down anti-nutrients.

Drawbacks of Sourdough Bread

While there are certainly major benefits to bread of the sourdough variety, there are also drawbacks to it (as with all good foods!). Here are some considerations to keep in mind about sourdough bread before you go all in on it.

Sourdough bread is not inherently gluten-free.

For those avoiding gluten for personal health reasons, it’s important to note that, even though sourdough bread has improved digestibility for the gluten-sensitive, it is not completely devoid of this wheat protein. Because of this, those with celiac disease or another severe gluten allergy should avoid sourdough bread.

Sourdough starters can contain contaminants.

Sourdough starters can be contaminated by mold and bacteria. Signs of contamination include a pink, orange, or green hue; black spots; fuzzy mold; or a foul, rotten smell. If your starter doesn't bubble, it may also be a sign that it's contaminated. Always be sure to use clean utensils and containers to minimize mold and keep bacteria at bay.

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