Top Mung Bean Benefits to Boost Your Health, According to an RD

This little legume is packed with protein, potassium, and more key nutrients.

Also referred to as the green gram, maash, or moong (among other names), mung beans can be a great component of a healthy diet. This plant species is in the legume family and is primarily cultivated in Asia and India.

Mung beans are typically prepared by boiling until soft and are known for packing major health benefits into their small, soft skins. These beans boost potassium, protein, antioxidants, and more. We asked a registered dietitian to break down some of the key benefits of mung beans.

Beth Warren RD, CDN, is a registered dietitian and founder of Beth Warren Nutrition.

Directly Above Shot Of Mung Beans In Heart Shape Bowl Over White Background
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Support Gut Health

"One cup of [cooked] mung beans also contains an estimated 14 grams of protein and 15 grams of fiber," says Beth Warren RD, CDN. Protein helps to produce antibodies, enzymes, blood, hormones, connective tissue, and more, while fiber supports a happy gut for a filling snack that promotes digestion.

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Improve Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Levels

One cup of mung beans provides roughly 2,590 milligrams of potassium. That's nearly 100 percent of the daily recommended amount, which can help with important bodily functions such as water regulation, nerve signals, and muscle contraction, as well as decrease the risk of high blood pressure and other health conditions.

Mung Beans are not only rich in fiber and protein, which can help stabilize blood sugar levels, but these mighty legumes are also packed with the antioxidants vitexin and isovitexin, which can help lower glucose levels.

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Promote Healthy Cell Growth

Additionally, Warren notes that mung beans "are very high in folate, providing 80 percent of the recommended dietary intake. This water-soluble B vitamin supports the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), along with the metabolism of amino acids.

Warren also explains that "the mung bean's high antioxidant content may help to prevent cancer," with studies indicating it as a potential agent against breast, cervical, and liver cancers.

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Strengthen Bones and Teeth

If you could use a nutrient boost, mung beans have your back, boasting a range of minerals such as magnesium (helpful in maintaining healthy blood pressure and sugar levels), iron (enables red blood cells to transfer oxygen to the body's tissues), and phosphorus (strengthens bones and teeth).

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Are Easy to Add to Diet

Mung beans are easy to add to your everyday diet because they can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes. For example, Warren says mung beans can be enjoyed in salads, soups, and stir fries. Scoop up a pack of organic mung beans and start incorporating them into your meals today for a healthy addition to your favorite plates or as a snack.

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  1. Jefferson Institute. Mungbeans: a food legume adapted to hot, dry conditions. Date Accessed September 6, 2022.

  2. USDA FoodData Central. Mung beans, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt. Date Accessed September 6, 2022.

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