14 Superfoods to Stock in Your Pantry—and Recipes You Need to Know

Starring quinoa, almond butter, and more.

Your pantry is where you store your baking staples and other household favorites like pasta, canned soup, and cereal. And we're here to tell you it can also be a haven for a plethora of delicious superfoods. Sure, you can keep plenty of these healthy items in your refrigerator and freezer, but why take up prime real estate there when you can easily put your pantry to good use?

While not nutritionally recognized, the term "superfoods" refers to particularly nutrient-rich foods that provide a myriad of important health benefits. Examples of these healthy superstars include fruits like berries and avocado, and vegetables such as kale and spinach. Unlike fresh produce, the superfoods you can keep in your pantry don't require refrigeration. In fact, many of them can stay fresh in your pantry for months (or even years) at a time, which is yet another reason to have them on hand.


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So what are some of these superfoods that are suitable for the pantry? They run the gamut from nuts and seeds (think pistachios and hemp seeds) to lentils and even spices like turmeric. And since these foods are so diverse and easy to store, they're also incredibly easy to cook with. Need a little crunch in your morning yogurt or smoothie bowl? Toss in some hemp seeds! Looking to add some flavor to an otherwise boring vegetable side? Roast the veggies with turmeric! Continue reading for a list of superfoods to stock in your pantry, along with some ideas on how to cook with 'em.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds on a large wooden spoon

Supaporn Manbunsom / EyeEm

Chia seeds (and hemp seeds, which are very similar) last for several months in your pantry, which makes stocking up on these nutritious morsels a real no-brainer. In addition to being an excellent source of antioxidants and minerals, chia seeds are also high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Sprinkle some chia seeds in your morning oatmeal or smoothie, or learn how to make your own chia pudding.

Green Tea

A cup of green tea in a green mug

ATU Images / Getty Images

This colorful tea has been a staple in Asia for centuries, and with good reason. Green tea boasts some impressive anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, and according to multiple studies, may protect the brain from aging. Keep green tea bags in your pantry so you can have a cup of it whenever you want, or use matcha—a type of green tea—to bake a matcha cake.


A pistachio inside of its shell

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These healthy green nuts can last up to six months at room temperature, and are best stored in a cool, dark place, like the pantry. (To extend pistachios shelf life, you can also pop 'em in the freezer.) From a health perspective, pistachios are a complete source of plant-based protein packed with fiber, potassium, and healthy unsaturated fats. Due to their impressive nutrition profile, pistachios can help fight inflammation in the body and, per a study that appeared in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases, may lower your chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Enjoy pistachios in this Green Risotto With Pistachio Pesto or give Pistachio Pudding a try.

Almond Butter

A top view of a jar of almond butter with a spoon on top

MAIKA 777 / Getty Images

Since many nuts are considered superfoods, nut butters are often seen as exceedingly healthy as well, so long as they don't contain too much palm oil or added sugar. Almond butter is one of the healthiest nut butters you can buy, and is a great source of protein, vitamin E, and magnesium. Better yet? A jar of almond butter will stay good in your pantry for at least five months, and is often fine to consume even after its expiration date. Add more almond butter to your diet courtesy of this colorful Pomegranate-Almond Toast.


A bowl of farro

Michelle Lee Photography / Getty Images

Farro—an ancient grain—is one of the healthiest options. It can also last in your pantry for about six months. Unlike, say, white rice, farro is loaded with fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. According to research, it also improves heart health and digestive health on account of its impressive fiber content. If you haven't had farro before, give this savory White Bean and Farro Salad a try.


Two bowls of raw quinoa side by side

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Quinoa, like farro, is an ancient grain, and it will keep in your pantry for about a year. Similar to farro, quinoa is also a great source of fiber and protein. Additionally, it contains all nine essential amino acids, and is naturally gluten-free. You can find a way to work quinoa into just about anything, but it really shines when it serves as the base for a hearty grain bowl or side dish. This Skillet Quinoa With Olives and Crispy Tofu recipe is a plant-based meal that uses Moroccan spices to create plenty of flavor.


Cups of yellow, red, and green lentils side by side

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Lentils and other legumes, like beans and split peas, are basically pantry staples, and can stay fresh in the pantry for approximately three years. They provide a hefty amount of fiber and satiating protein, and are also a great source of B vitamins, which help make sure that the body's cells function properly. As you likely know already, lentils work great in a soup (like this Winter Lentil Soup) but also shine in a curry or a hearty dip.


Several garlic bulbs gathered on a table

Thana Prasongsin / Getty Images

You know that bulb you reach for every time you want to sauté some vegetables or make tomato sauce? It's considered a superfood on account of its many health benefits. In addition to lowering your risk of heart disease and giving your immune system a boost, garlic is also packed with antioxidants. Eat more of the pungent allium courtesy of this classic Garlic Roast Chicken recipe.

To get the most out of your garlic, crush, chop or mince garlic and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before cooking to help activate the natural allicin it contains, a potent anti-inflammatory compound.

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil being poured onto a spoon over a small bowl

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Though shopping for olive oil can be a daunting task, it deserves a spot in your pantry for many reasons. Aside from its impressive versatility in the kitchen, which spans from roasted vegetables to cakes, extra-virgin olive oil is a great source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation. It also provides an impressive amount of polyphenols and vitamins E and K. If you store your olive oil in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry, it will last for several months.


A spoonful of turmeric on a blue plate

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This bright spice had its moment a few years ago (who remembers turmeric lattes and turmeric tea?) and remains as healthy as ever. It's an excellent source of antioxidants, and also helps fight inflammation. Turmeric may also help reduce the symptoms of arthritis, prevent Alzheimer's and cancer, and alleviate intestinal issues such as digestion and heartburn. Whether you store this in your pantry or on your spice rack, it will stay fresh for several years. Use it in an aptly named Mango-Turmeric Smoothie or toss a tablespoon in the next time you make curry.

Pair turmeric with a pinch of black pepper to help increase absorption in the body.

Sweet Potatoes

Two sweet potatoes and a sliced sweet potato on a table

clubfoto / Getty Images

Yes, these vibrant root vegetables can be transformed into some shockingly good pie, but there's more to them than that. In fact, sweet potatoes provide plenty of vitamin A, and are packed with heart-healthy potassium and fiber. Even their carb content deserves a mention, because they're made up of complex carbohydrates, which take longer to digest and are much healthier than their refined counterparts. While you can buy frozen sweet potato chunks to keep in the freezer, whole sweet potatoes will last in your pantry for about a month. Try these Zucchini and Black Bean Stuffed Sweet Potatoes, which are literally loaded with healthy ingredients.


A plate full of seaweed

Anna Denisova / Getty Images

Seaweed may not be for everyone, but if you like it, consider purchasing some nori—a type of dry, edible seaweed that's typically used in sushi—to keep in the pantry. It will stay fresh for about three years, and is loaded with vitamin K, folate, iodine and fiber. If making sushi at home sounds like too tricky a task, try making your own miso soup instead.


A bunch of almonds on a blue background

Benjamin Egerland / EyeEm / Getty Images

Since almond butter snagged a spot on this list, it’s no surprise that almonds are deserving of one too. The nutritious nuts have myriad of health benefits, including but not limited to improving gut microbiome health, decreasing inflammation, and aiding metabolism, blood sugar regulation, and brain function. The best part about almonds is their versatility—snack on a handful during the day, or enjoy this Baked Oatmeal With Cranberries and Almonds recipe for breakfast.

Peanut Butter

A top view of a jar of peanut butter and peanuts

Helen Camacaro / Getty Images

You likely have a jar of peanut butter in your pantry already, and now we’re giving you even more reasons to always have it on hand. Like other nut butters, PB is packed with protein. It also contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, including an impressive amount of the antioxidant vitamin E, and magnesium. Next time you shop for peanut butter at the grocery store, opt for a product with minimal to no added sugar that is not made with partially hydrogenated oils. Channel your inner child and make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or go the savory route and give these Cold Peanut Noodles a try.

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