Top Pistachio Benefits—Plus How to Add Them to Your Diet

Who knew that pistachios were so good for you?

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Fresh, raw, whole, and cracked pistachios thrown in the air, set against a yellow background.
Photo: Vasyl Chybor/Getty Images

Beyond their tastiness and versatility (have you tried pistachio milk yet?), pistachios are nutritious and full of benefits. According to Connecticut-based blogger Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, of Plant-Based With Amy, they might be just what you need to ensure you hit your daily nutrient goals. Read on to learn about various pistachio benefits and ways to add them to your diet.

What Are Pistachios?

Pistachio nuts are edible seeds of the pistachio tree. They were once considered a status symbol and delicacy for the bourgeois but are now widely available to anyone craving a nutritious snack. Though popularly known as nuts, pistachios are botanically classified as seeds.

People have been eating pistachios for thousands of years. The United States didn't start importing them until the 1880s, and today, there are 950 commercial growers primarily located in California as well as New Mexico and Arizona. It's no wonder we've found countless ways to consume them, from roasting and tossing them in salads to mixing them into gelato and baked goods.

Paprika Lime Pistachios in a White Bowl and Metal Scoop With Two Paper Gift Bags in the Background
Max Kelly

Health Benefits of Pistachios

From promoting a healthy gut to improving heart health, the benefits of pistachios are numerous. Let's break down all the ways pistachios can help your body.


Typically, plant protein sources don't have all the essential amino acids, but pistachios are the exception. Gorin touts them as one of the highest-protein nuts.

"Pistachios are a wonderful source of plant-based protein—and they're actually a complete protein source, offering 6 grams of protein per ¼-cup serving," Gorin explains. "This means they help fuel your body with all nine essential amino acids."


Eating high-fiber foods is essential for your gut health. It's also beneficial for a healthy heart. Luckily, one of the pistachio health benefits is that they're loaded with fiber.

"A diet rich in fiber can lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases," Gorin says. "Pistachios have more fiber than other nuts, making them an excellent choice for snacking. Per ¼-cup serving of pistachios, you get 3 grams of fiber."

Healthy Fat

Many of us are wary of the fat content in nuts, but Gorin assures us that, when consumed in moderation, pistachios' fat content shouldn't overshadow their value. The polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats found in pistachios increase feelings of satiety and help lower cholesterol, contributing to a heart-healthy diet.

"Pistachios provide fiber and better-for-you unsaturated fats," Gorin adds. "The trio of protein, fiber, and fat helps keep you fuller for longer—and provides sustained energy."

Vitamins and Minerals

Pistachios are full of essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A, E, and B.

As an example, 4 ounces of pistachios has:

  • 1020 mg of potassium (about 21% of the recommended daily value, aka DV)
  • 121 mg of magnesium (about 29% DV)
  • 105 mg of calcium (about 8% DV).

While pistachios are rich in nutrients overall, their vitamin B6 content shines. A balanced diet high in vitamin B6 helps prevent conditions like anemia and lowers your risk of heart disease. It's also essential for building muscles because it helps your body process amino acids.

One handful of pistachios (about 1 ounce) gives you about 38% of your recommended daily value of vitamin B6. What's more, pistachios have smaller amounts of other B-complex vitamins, namely thiamin (B1) and folate (B9).


Pistachio lovers get an antioxidant boost, too. Several compounds in pistachios, like lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, and gamma-tocopherol, help to reverse the effects of cellular damage. The antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin are vital for eye health. Both help protect you from blue light eye damage and decrease the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration in the eye.

Low Glycemic Index

For anyone concerned with potential spikes in blood sugar, you'll be glad to know that pistachios have a low glycemic index (a tool for measuring how food affects our blood sugar levels). Eating pistachios will not cause a rapid rise in your blood sugar, which is vital for anyone with diabetes, but is great news for everyone. Additionally, the antioxidants in pistachios also help maintain healthy blood glucose.

Ways to Eat More Pistachios

Pistachios truly have a place in any meal or snack—it just depends on how much you love them and how creative you get. Try a sprinkle of crushed pistachios over Greek yogurt, grind up a healthy pistachio-based topping for fish, pop them in the oven seasoned with spices and citrus, or even whirl up some pistachio milk. For a healthier snack option, find a variety of packaged pistachios—with and without shells—at the grocery store to enjoy straight from the bag.

Gorin loves flavored pistachios, like Wonderful Pistachios' No Shells Sea Salt & Vinegar, because they make better-for-you snacking more interesting: "When I'm craving salt-and-vinegar potato chips, these do the trick, and I also get my protein, healthy fat, and fiber."

Aim to eat no more than one serving of pistachios daily, which is about 1 ounce (or 49 seeds).

Pistachio Recipe Ideas

If you're looking for creative out-of-the-bag ways to incorporate pistachios into your meal planning—from appetizers to sides to dessert—check out these flavorful pistachio recipes for inspiration.

Pistachio Pudding

Pistachio Pudding Served in Three Clear Glasses Displayed on a White Cutting Board With Wooden Spoons for Eating
Hector Manuel Sanchez

This creamy, gently sweet pistachio pudding has a whimsical (and natural) light green hue that's sure to put a smile on your face. Finish each cup with a dollop of whipped cream.

Roasted Rhubarb Salad With Goat Cheese and Pistachios

Overhead View of Roasted Rhubarb Salad With Goat Cheese and Pistachios on a White Plate
Greg DuPree

Pistachios contribute sweet saltiness and a crunchy texture to this springy salad, providing a nice balance to the slightly sour rhubarb and rich goat cheese crumbles. This pairing of pistachios with rhubarb, a good source of vitamin K1 and fiber, gives this lettuce-based salad a nutritional thumbs up.

Nutty Superfood Breakfast Bites

Nutty Superfood Breakfast Bites With Pistachios and Almonds, Cut into Squares

These are everything an energy bar should be: convenient, nutritious, and delicious. Packed to the brim with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, they offer a filling, guiltless, grab-and-go bite.

Green Risotto With Pistachio Pesto

Green Risotto With Pistachio Pesto Served on a White Plate
Victor Protasio

If this glorious green risotto doesn't make you think "spring," we don't know what will. We use verdant spinach, herbs, and pistachios to lighten up a velvety bowl of cheesy Arborio rice.

Spiced Sweet Potato Soup With Pistachio Dukkah

Spiced Sweet Potato Soup With Pistachio Dukkah Served in Two White Bowls With Metal Spoons to the Left
Alison Miksch

While pistachios don't get top billing in this recipe, they provide an essential nutty crunch atop a rich, pureed soup. We combined the chopped nuts with sesame seeds and spices to create a dukkah—a Middle Eastern spice mix that warms your soul.

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  1. Mandalari G, Barreca D, Gervasi T, et al. Pistachio nuts (Pistacia vera L.): production, nutrients, bioactives and novel health effects. Plants (Basel). 2021;11(1):18. doi:10.3390/plants11010018

  2. American Pistachio Growers. History – Pistachio origins.

  3. USDA FoodData Central. Nuts, pistachio nuts, raw.

  4. Mateos R, Salvador MD, Fregapane G, Goya L. Why should pistachio be a regular food in our diet? Nutrients. 2022;14(15):3207. doi:10.3390/nu14153207

  5. Hernández-Alonso P, Bulló M, Salas-Salvadó J. Pistachios for health: what do we know about this multifaceted nut?. Nutr Today. 2016;51(3):133-138. doi:10.1097/NT.0000000000000160

  6. National Institutes of Health. Potassium fact sheet for health professionals.

  7. National Institutes of Health. Magnesium fact sheet for health professionals.

  8. National Institutes of Health. Calcium factsheet for health professionals.

  9. National Institutes of Health. Vitamin B6 fact sheet for health professionals.

  10. Mrowicka M, Mrowicki J, Kucharska E, Majsterek I. Lutein and zeaxanthin and their roles in age-related macular degeneration-neurodegenerative diseaseNutrients. 2022;14(4):827. doi:10.3390/nu14040827

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