6 Reasons You Can't Keep Your Closet Organized

Kick these habits to the curb if you want to finally enjoy some closet peace.

Wardrobe closet with different stylish clothes, shoes and home stuff in room

Liudmila Chernetska/Getty Images

Getting organized is one thing, but staying organized is another. Both are essential for a neat home. If you’ve spent hours sorting through your closet and re-organizing—only to find it in disarray a few months (or even just a few weeks) later—you might be wondering where things went wrong. Don’t feel bad. Once you figure out what the problem is, keeping your closet tidy and maintained won’t be as much of a challenge as you think. Here are six possible reasons why you can’t keep your closet organized, according to organizing experts.

Your Closet Is Overstuffed

Angela O'Brien, professional organizer and founder of Your Space Reclaimed tells me one of the most common reasons why your closet won’t stay organized is that you simply have too many things. “It can be tempting to try to cram in as many cute tops and dresses as you can onto those slim hangers that everyone loves—but even those slim felt hangers take up room,” she says.

When your closet is crammed, it adds an extra layer of difficulty to find what you are looking for. “When that happens, it’s very tempting to just pull clothes off the rod and leave them lying around,” explains O’Brien.

Fortunately, there’s an easy solution for this: Edit your closet. “Most of us wear about 20% of the clothes in our closet 80% of the time anyway,” O'Brien says. 

If your closet still feels tight after a good decluttering session, the organizer suggests separating your clothes into seasons and swapping them out as the temperature changes. 

You Aren’t Practicing The One In, One Out Rule

If you simply can’t resist all of those TikTok made me buy it outfits, Kris Hargrove, professional organizer, and founder of Organized by Kris recommends practicing the "one in, one out" rule. “When you buy a new item, decide what you’ll trade it out for before you make the purchase," she says. "When you get home, grab that item, give it some gratitude, and add it to your donation bin to bless the next person who receives it.”

Your Closet Is Poorly Designed

Most closets are designed with just a hanging rod and perhaps a few shelves, if you’re lucky. This might not be the most efficient way to store your wardrobe. Don’t be afraid to add more shelves, drawers, rods, or even shoe racks to make the space better meet your needs. If you own your home, you may even want to invest in a custom closet. However, even a minimal investment in a set of drawers or an extra bar or two can make a big difference.

You Aren’t Using Vertical Space Efficiently

According to O’Brien, sometimes our closets aren't set up in a way that maximizes the space for our needs. “For example, if you have a lot of workout wear or other clothing that is difficult to fold or better stored in a drawer but you only have hanging space or open cubbies, it can be difficult to keep your items in their designated spots.”

If that’s the case, the pro organizer advises utilizing storage bins for these trickier to organize pieces. “Utilizing bins, whether clear or solid, depending on your preference, can really make it easy to keep items that are difficult to fold or hang in spaces where you can find them,” O'Brien says.

Your Closet Isn’t Properly Categorized

While it might sound obvious, grouping like items is essential. “A key to maintaining an organized closet is designating specific areas for particular items,” says Katrina Green, ADHD organizing specialist and coach, and founder of Badass Homelife LLC. “Without this practice, items tend to be placed wherever they fit, rather than in an intentional manner. This lack of intentionality contributes to clutter and disarray.”

This does not have to look perfect or aesthetically pleasing, but something as simple as having jeans, t-shirts, and formalwear grouped together can help keep your closet organized in the long run.

You Don’t Put Your Clothes Back in Their Designated Spots

O’Brien tells me she has a manta for her clients: “Don’t put it down, put it away.” Spending a little bit of time every day to put away your clothing helps maintain all of the organizing you just did. “If you can take a few minutes to hang up or store any clothes laying around after finding the perfect pieces for your evening out, you are much more likely to be able to maintain a sense of organization in your closet,” she explains. 

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