Learn How to Water Plants With These Helpful Tips for Thriving Greens

We share a few rules for watering plants every gardener should follow.

Knowing how to water plants correctly may be the number one priority for plant parents. It's possible to both over- and under-water plants, so figuring out the watering process—and how often to water plants—is essential. While some plants don't need sunlight and others basically take care of themselves, all plants need water.

Every plant is different, as is every plant environment. The same plant will need more water if set in a sunny spot than in a shadier one; older and larger plants may be thirstier than smaller, newer ones. You'll have to pay attention to be sure you're watering right. To break down the best way to water plants, we share some rules that green-thumbed gardeners follow when caring for indoor or outdoor plants.

Watch the Weather

How much water plants need will vary with the seasons. During winter, plants typically require less water since the days are shorter and plants are in a resting phase. For mild weather (particularly in the spring), plan to water your potted plants once a week.

Plants will need more water as the temperature rises in late spring and summer, as more heat causes moisture to evaporate before the plant can use it. You may find that your plants need watering a few times a week or even daily.

Adjust Water Levels

The size of your plants helps determine how much water they need. Larger plants need more water; smaller plants need less water. Be sure to customize the water levels for your plants.

Additionally, large pots containing small plants can hold a lot of moisture, so adjust water quantities accordingly. Small pots or hanging plants may need to be watered twice a day, while large pots can be watered once a day.

Water in the Morning or Evening

It's best to water plants either in the morning or the evening, regardless of whether you're watering them weekly, daily, or twice a day. This is especially true for outdoor plants and helps avoid moisture loss from evaporation.

Since the soil is cooler in the morning, watering in the morning allows the water to seep into the roots before the day's sun. The same can be said for late-evening watering.

Avoid Over-Watering

Though plants love water, overwatering your plant may actually be harmful. Add water to pots until it leaks out of the drainage holes in the bottom. (Pots without drainage holes should have some safeguard against root rot, whether that’s rocks or another moisture catcher at the bottom.) This way, you’ll know that the soil and roots can access the moisture throughout the pot.

Avoid oversaturating by adding just enough water that it drains out of the bottom. If you come back later to water your plant again and the top of the soil is moist, you probably don’t need to water it again just yet.

Water the Soil, Not the Plant

Even though we commonly say, "water the plants," it's important to water the base of a plant (i.e., the soil) instead of the plant itself. Water should be poured onto the soil, not the leaves or flowers. This ensures that water ends up where it's needed—at the roots. Dumping water on the plant can lead to fungal diseases and even scorched spots on leaves.

Water Houseplants With Room Temperature Water

Too cold or too hot water can damage the roots of plants. Water that is too cold or hot will "shock" the plant, which can cause it to wilt and even perish. The ideal water temperature for plants is around 68 degrees Fahrenheit, but if you stick to 59 to 77 degrees, you should be okay. Outdoor plants are typically less finicky, but if you're watering from a hose on a scorching day, let the water run through for a few moments so it's not boiling before turning your hose on your plants.

Keep Pots Dry

Though it may seem counterintuitive, keeping the bottom of a pot dry is important for your plant's health. If pots are allowed to sit in water (or are drenched in water too often), plants can develop root rot or die. If you're using saucers under planters to catch water and dirt, empty them after watering and after it rains to keep the roots and soil moist—not drenched.

Tend to Wilting Plants Immediately

Keep a close eye on your plants' appearance. If they start to wilt or droop, it may be time to water them. Be sure to inspect the soil first, though—drooping and wilting doesn't necessarily mean your plant is thirsty. It could be a sign of overwatering, a problem with the amount of light it's getting, a temperature issue, or a sign that your plant has outgrown its pot.

Try Watering Deeply

Always choose deep and infrequent watering when your watering options are shallowly and frequently versus deeply and infrequently. Remember, water needs to get through the soil to soak into the roots so your plants can benefit from it. Plant roots don't sit close to the surface, and watering deeply helps get water to the roots.

Watering deeply also "trains" your plants to root deeper into the soil, which is better for the plants. Plants with roots closer to the surface are more susceptible to dry conditions, whereas deeply rooted plants survive better in droughts. For new plants or trees, watering deeply helps the plants root in and establish themselves.

The difference between overwatering and deeply watering is subtle. Overwatering occurs when the soil is constantly saturated and results from watering too frequently. Plant roots require a delicate balance of moisture and oxygen to stay healthy, and overwatering prevents the roots from getting oxygen.

To avoid overwatering, allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings (but don't let it get bone dry!). If you notice that the water around your plants is standing and not draining away or absorbing, chances are you are overwatering and should cut back. Signals of overwatering include browning or yellowing leaves and gray, slimy roots (a sign of root rot).

Remember Younger Plants Need More Water

Plants that have been in your household or garden for less than a year need more water than the more established ones. Schedule more frequent watering for these plants, but be careful not to overwater them. The same rule applies to seedlings—they need even more water than young plants, up to twice per day. 

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  1. Haj Sghaier A, Tarnawa Á, Khaeim H, Kovács GP, Gyuricza C, Kende Z. The effects of temperature and water on the seed germination and seedling development of rapeseed(Brassica napus L.). Plants (Basel). 2022;11(21):2819.

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