Turnip Benefits, Tips, and Recipes: Learn All About This Versatile Vegetable

Let's get to the root of this veggie.

Turnips, like other root vegetables such as potatoes, parsnips, and carrots, boast a myriad of nutritional benefits and can be cooked in countless ways. They can be found in farmers' markets and grocery stores throughout the year. But their flavor profile varies depending on when they're harvested and how they are prepared. Here, we dive into all the details about this healthy veggie, which can be roasted, turned into a soup, and more. Here are the turnip benefits you may not know—plus, delicious recipes to try.

What Are Turnips?

Turnips are root vegetables that are commonly associated with radishes and arugula. Their creamy white and purple bulbs are often cooked, but when sliced thinly, they're delicious eaten raw as well. Like many other root vegetables, turnips have long, leafy greens that are perfect for soups, sauces, or simply sautéed with garlic and olive oil.

Many root vegetables, including turnips, are best enjoyed when harvested in the fall, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't buy them throughout the year. In fact, you may notice that turnips are smaller and sweeter in the spring months, which makes them an ideal mashed potato alternative or a colorful addition to an impressive crudités platter. Larger turnips tend to have a bitter taste, but they can still be used as a great addition to a minestrone soup or roasted as a side dish.

Organic Turnips
Heinstirred/Getty Images

Turnip Nutrition

Turnips are full of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Here's a look at what's inside one cup of cubed turnips (or about 130 grams).

  • Water - 119 grams
  • Calories - 36.4 kcal
  • Protein - 1.17 grams
  • Fat - 0.13 grams
  • Carbohydrates - 8.36 grams
  • Fiber - 2.34 grams
  • Sugars - 4.94 grams
  • Calcium - 39 milligrams
  • Iron - 0.39 milligrams
  • Magnesium - 14.3 milligrams
  • Phosphorous - 35.1 milligrams
  • Potassium - 248 milligrams
  • Sodium - 87.1 milligrams
  • Zinc - 0.351 milligrams
  • Copper - 0.111 milligrams
  • Manganese - 0.174 milligrams
  • Vitamins B, C, E, and K

Turnip Nutrition Benefits

Turnips are an underrated vegetable that pack boundless benefits. In case you needed some science-backed reasons to cook turnips, here are some of the biggest benefits to your health that this veggie has to offer.

Aids Digestion and Weight Loss

Turnips are incredibly fibrous vegetables that also contain crucial vitamins and minerals that are important for our bodies. Consuming foods rich in fiber is important because it can aid in digestion and prevent constipation. Consuming just 30 grams of fiber each day can also help you drop weight, if that's a goal of yours.

Supports a Healthy Immune System

Turnips are a particularly good source of vitamin C, which helps maintain a healthy immune system. If you're sick, for example, vitamin C helps your immune cells make their way to the site of the infection to get rid of it. Vitamin C also works as a prophylactic and treatment option for respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Some other health benefits of turnips include lowering blood pressure, due to the rich potassium content, and boosting the health of our blood vessels, due to the concentration of antioxidants and dietary nitrates. Potassium works to help balance out sodium levels in the body and relax the walls of the blood vessels, which promotes better blood flow.

Combats Cancer

Turnips also have a compound called sulforaphane, which is naturally found in cruciferous vegetables. It's important because it can help safeguard the body from certain types of cancer. Studies show that sulforaphane interferes with the function of a specific enzyme that plays a role in the development of cancer cells, helping to keep cancer from coming on or spreading.

How to Cook With Turnips

When it comes to cooking with turnips, the sky is the limit. Here are some ideas and tips to keep in mind as you get cooking.

  • Shred or chop turnips and enjoy raw on top of a salad.
  • Boil and mash turnips for a healthier, starchy side.
  • Roast or sauté turnips until they are brown and crisp, and serve with a protein or in a stir-fry. (Roasting them with other veggies can help bring out their sweetness. Add olive oil, garlic, or even a splash of lemon juice to bring out extra flavor.)
  • Pickle turnips as a delicious, crunchy snack.
  • Add turnips to a stew or soup with broth and other veggies.
  • Grill turnips marinated in olive oil and herbs and pair it with a protein as a side dish.
  • Make turnip fries out of turnip sliced into strips. Toss them with olive oil and seasoning, and bake them until they're crispy.
  • Thinly slice up some turnips and layer them with a light cheese sauce. Bake them until they're golden and bubbly for a turnip gratin.
  • Slice and season turnips into bite-sized pieces, and bake them until they are crispy for some healthy turnip chips.

Turnip Recipes

Since turnips are so versatile, there are some innovative ways to cook with them. If you've got some turnips in the fridge, you can transform the versatile veggie into any number of dishes.

You can even make this vegetable taste like dessert. Hello, brown-sugar-glazed baby turnips. Slather a pound and a half of halved baby turnips in brown sugar with some unsalted butter, cider vinegar, and salt and pepper. This sweet side dish pairs well with chicken or red meat. You can also make them sweet and sour. Glazed turnips and carrots combine well as a sweet-and-sour side to golden-seared pork chops. The sauce is simple; simmer some white wine vinegar, honey, whole-grain mustard, and rosemary together.

How Long Do Turnips Stay Good For?

Many people love turnips because, when stored properly, they have a lengthy shelf life. After buying a bunch of turnips, it's best to cut off the green ends and keep them in a plastic bag for about a week. Within that week, feel free to cook and sauté the greens just like you would similar veggies.

And believe it or not, the bulb of the turnip will stay fresh in your crisper drawer or a cool dark place for a few months.

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  1. "Turnips, raw." U.S. Department of Agriculture.

  2. Carmody, J. et al. "Single-Component Versus Multicomponent Dietary Goals for the Metabolic Syndrome: A Randomized Trial." Annals of Internal Medicine. Feb. 2015.

  3. Khanna, D. et al. "The Role of Vitamin C in Human Immunity and Its Treatment Potential Against COVID-19: A Review Article." Cureus. Jan. 2023.

  4. "How Potassium Can Help Control High Blood Pressure." American Heart Association. May 2024.

  5. Tortorella SM, Royce SG, Licciardi PV, Karagiannis TC. Dietary sulforaphane in cancer chemoprevention: the role of epigenetic regulation and HDAC inhibition. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2015;22(16):1382-1424. doi:10.1089/ars.2014.6097

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